Thursday, December 3, 2009

Yoga as a Way of Life

Here are five causes that can transform your yoga from a life style to a Way of life.

The Five Causes

1. We practice gratitude daily remembering that the human heart cannot hold gratitude and negative emotions at the same time.

2. We practice forgiving others as a mode of healing. We reach out to those we have harmed, either personally or by hand-written letter, offering apology.

3. Our career is a major factor in our practice of transformation, so we infuse our highest ideals into our work and workplace, always looking for win-win events. We hold firm that the end never justifies the means.

4. We take a vow of non-violence in word and deed and clear truth toward our romantic partner.

5. We never treat others as servants and avoid enabling others to behave as royalty. We behave with humility.

Reposted from Max Strom at who gave a wonderful workshop here two weeks ago. He promises to return!