Friday, August 7, 2009

News from Inner Bodyworks

Yoga teaches us that change is an inevitability. Through the process of our practice we learn that one of the paths to being at peace in our world requires accepting changes, adapting with them, and experiencing growth in the process. We also learn that we cannot truly hold on to anything forever in this world; that we will be happier individuals when we learn a certain amount of detachment from events and their outcomes.
I know these concepts to be true in my mind. Occasionally life hands over the opportunity to teach the heart.
Within weeks of each other, two of our very special teachers at the studio informed me that their paths would be taking them away from Bakersfield. Both of these pieces of news were bittersweet. While I cannot be happier for Alyssa and Kate as they move on to new experiences and adventures, I selfishly wanted them to stay. I am sure most of you who have had either as a teacher would say the same. Every change that occurs can bring room for new possibility and growth. Without this newsletter being overwrought with platitudes, which have been a great comfort to me this last month, I am happy to say that I am beginning to feel optimistic at the opportunities to make some changes to our schedule. I feel like some of these changes are bigger than I have made in the past, but hopefully you will see them as positive.
With two teachers moving on we have a place on our schedule for some of our substitute instructors to take on regular classes. I look forward to having Kira Wiggins and Renata Bocardo offering classes. In addition to this, we are able to have space for our newest addition, Heather McCoy. Heather has been working at the front desk for a over a year now and working hard in her spare time learning the art of teaching yoga.
When Kate was leaving she said to me that each time a space opens in life, the universe find a way of filling it and she is right.
So...bear with us a little bit in this time of transition. The final touches are being put together on the schedule and new workshops and classes will be announced shortly. We all can feel a little ruffled by change and I know that for many of you, just like me, this place is a considered a refuge, but it is also a place where we can put our practice into the practical.